
Let's talk


Let's talk


Let's talk

In an effort to assist the Supreme Court of Indonesia in ensuring that all national judges are up-to-date on environmental cases, the Indonesia Center of Environmental Law (ICEL) and we are converting some environmental cases in Indonesia into entertaining animation videos. This initiative aims to make it easier for judges to understand the cases and grasp shifts in norms and other important aspects related to the environment.



Indonesia Center of Environmental Law

Indonesia Center of Environmental Law

Our Role:

Our Role:

2D Animation & Creative Consultant

2D Animation & Creative Consultant





Services Provided:

Services Provided:

Animation Video, Creative Consultation, Voice Over Narration

Animation Video, Creative Consultation, Voice Over Narration

The Challenge

The Challenge

The biggest challenge is that this animation video will be consumed by Mahkamah Agung judges to update norms with recent environmental cases, ensuring they stay relevant. As we know, legal language has a higher level of difficulty compared to regular language. If we misunderstand even one word, the meaning can change drastically. The task is not just about accuracy; we must also create a perfect animation of the script to ensure that our client's message is successfully delivered.

The Solution

The Solution

Our background in law school gives us an advantage in understanding the journals and reports that ICEL provides. More importantly, we believe communication is key to achieving perfect accuracy in converting data and journals into a creative script and then into animation.

A two screens of the home page of the website
A screenshot from the Stuff page of the website
A screenshot from the Stuff page of the website
A screenshot from the Stuff page of the website
A screenshot from the Stuff page of the website

The Takeaways

The Takeaways

Digital media has the advantage of making information relevant in an entertaining way. The judges from Mahkamah Agung are too busy to ensure they always stay updated on environmental issues in Indonesia. With these animation videos, we can help them stay relevant in an engaging yet accurate manner.

Let's talk